Time: 13h - 18h Free entrance
The residents from Treehouse NDSM will open their studios and share what has emerged from a period of experimenting, researching, and producing new work.
If you are already in Amsterdam North for Amsterdam Art Week, you can join our open studios and visit our new exhibitions:
Artists, musicians and makers participating in the Open Studios Day: Asaf Lewkowitz, Iskerka Tattoo, Jaro, Rika Maja Duvel, Vegan Bear Chef, Vico Persson, Ossa Kierkegaard, Maud Fernhouy, Sara Backer, Babet Klaasen, Shai Datauker, Tijmen Steenvoorden, Colina van Bemmel, Guido Hoek, Rucha Kulkarni, Mictlán Music Studio, Anima Lab, Erosi Fashion and Circu-Leren.