11 May
The Creative Garden is Back!
May 11, 2024

Dates: May 11th & 25th        Time: 10h - 18h         Free entrance

We are excited to announce the launch of our Creative Garden activities in 2024! If you are a neighbour, an artist or a plant lover, join us for our kickoff event to start creating together a vibrant out-of-soil oasis where community, creativity, and nature thrive!

Kickoff activities

On May 11th and 25th from 10h to 18h, participants are welcome to drop by at any moment of the day. We will also have lunch together. Tasks include preparing our garden and terrace, such as cleaning, planting seeds, and beautifying the space through decoration. We invite residents, supporters of Treehouse NDSM, and anyone interested in volunteering to be part of this transformative experience.

On May 25th, Treehouse NDSM will also be one location of the FARMsterdammers locations across the city, where you can get new seeds and plants in exchange for other seeds and plants you've grown yourself. Don't forget to bring them along!

ARMsterdammers is a celebration of urban gardening and community engagement! On May 25th, we're swapping seedlings across Amsterdam. Why do we do it? Because we believe in the power of gardening to bring people together and create a greener, more sustainable city. By growing our own veggies and flowers, we not only beautify our neighbourhoods but also forge new connections and strengthen community bonds. Besides swapping some seedlings and plants, you can join our Creative Garden and participate to knowledge exchanges on gardening around a borrel, artistic workshops and meet a community of gardeners! 


Want to join the Creative Garden project? We are looking for volunteers!

Beyond the kickoff events, volunteers are essential to the success of our project. Opportunities include assisting during workshop days, managing the bar, capturing moments through photos and videos, and caring for the plants. Ambassadors are needed to spread the word, and those with culinary skills can contribute to the borrel alongside Gabriele. Additionally, proposals for kids' workshops and facilitators for knowledge-sharing sessions are welcome!

How to get involved? Are you ready to join the Gardening Team, lead an Artistic Workshop, or facilitate Knowledge Sharing? Get involved today by reaching out to courses@treehousendsm.com. Your enthusiasm and dedication are crucial in making our garden flourish!

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tt. neveritaweg 55-57
1033 WB Amsterdam, NH