Date: Nov 2nd Time: 18h - 22h30 Free entrance
In order to face the climate catastrophe that we find ourselves in, changing the balance of our current social system - which is rooted in patriarchal, colonial and extractivist modes of thinking -, is essential. This combat lies not only in dismantling dangerous structures, but also in caring for each other, whether we are human, of the soil or animal. From feeding communities through seed circles in indigenous communities to glueing yourself to a beloved tree in danger due to development projects, labours of love can change our destiny.
Labours of love are characterised by time. Taking the time to truly care about a task at hand and seeing the result as something that has value beyond the individual. A type of work that is directly opposing capitalist ideals of productivity and that is often invisible, not remunerated (enough) or given credit for. This could be raising children, growing a food forest or carving a sculpture. How can we acknowledge and value labours of love? How can we find new ways of caring for each other through art? How can we lovingly cohabitate with other beings?
In this context, the group exhibition Labours of Love aims to celebrate all of these labours of love, and share the ways in which they form eco-feminist solutions to the climate crisis. The show will be part of the Warming Up Festival’s programme organised by Tolhuistuin from October 30th to November 5th.
/ This exhibition is made possible by the contribution of Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds./
PARTICIPATING ARTISTS: Tomoni Shintaku, Tessa Joosse, Yuk Lin Man & Philip Ling, Anima Lab & Ocean Gezina, Lies Aris, Rucha Kulkarni, Rachel Walker-Konno, Richie Walker, Divine Nonbinary and Judith Segers.