Time: 17h - 21h30 Free Entrance
The cultural event NDSM Get Lost is getting a new look! From 2024, four parties at the shipyard will join forces on one Thursday evening for an artistic program. During this evening, both visitors and residents can discover what the NDSM has to offer in the cultural field, ranging from exhibitions, performances, and lectures to workshops, live music, and more.
Are you curious? Then come along to the Autumn Edition on September 26th at Nieuw Dakota, Beautiful Distress House, Stichting NDSM-werf, and Treehouse NDSM.
19h - Starting point TBC
Fee of €5 with welcome drink
Join a special tour that takes you to different locations to learn more about each exhibition. Get your ticket!
- NDSM-WERF Website
- Treehouse NDSM
Art Park II: Voice of Nature delves into the concept of granting rights to more-than-humans. Could we listen to what nature, including plants, birds and insects need? Can nature be granted the same rights as humans? In this exhibition, a group of artists reflect on different approaches to answer these questions.