11 Feb
February 11, 2025

Dates: 11 February, 19 February, 4 March, 11 March       Time: 16h - 18h     Price: €50 / €5 with Stadspas

In this workshop, you will explore how to write more creatively to bring soul to your story. Whether you are a curious beginner or wish to simply perfect your writing skills, you are welcome! Before the start of the workshop, it can help to think about what memory, vision, dream or other idea you would like to turn into a short story. You’ll learn how to use your senses like hearing, smelling and tasting while writing a scene and how to enhance mystery. [There is always more mystery!] We will work on a short story based on a memory, a dream, or a vision of the future you might have. Together we will experience the physicality of writing, during freewrites.

Workshops include one intensive editing of your final short story. You will be guided by experienced creative writing teacher Lies Aris.

*People with stadspas can join one session. People without Stadspas follow all the workshops and pay in advance.

*There is a maximum to these workshops of 10 and a minimum of 4 participants.

You can sign up by mail: lies[at]storyshop[dot]nl putting STORYBOX in the subject of your mail.

Language: EN/NL

Lies Aris
tt. neveritaweg 55-57
1033 WB Amsterdam, NH