1 Jun
WORKSHOP: Build your own interactive companion
June 1, 2024

Date: June 1st     Time: 14h -17h          Ticket: €15

For this exhibition, Mark Hinch presents "The selfless companion", a digitally-powered physical object created to nurture the wellbeing of its user, revisiting the idea of the classic Tamagotchi with a contemporary slant. During this 3-hour workshop, you can go behind the scenes with Mark to learn how this interactive object was built and begin making your very own digital companion.

Absolute beginners are more than welcome! This workshop will involve some basic programming. If you don’t have any experience or this sounds intimidating, rest assured that you won’t need to write any code yourself, and you can simply copy and paste your way to interactivity.

This workshop will involve basic electronics and programming. Absolute beginners are very welcome. Please bring your own laptop.

[This workshop series is part of the “I log in, therefore I am” exhibition, on view from May 30th to June 23rd]

Mark Hinch is a creative technologist, exploring the intersection of digital technology and the human experience. By giving digital capabilities to physical objects and spaces, he aims to create richer connections between people, spaces, and the objects within them - while also questioning the role of technology in our lives.

More info about Mark Hinch: Website | Instagram

[Part of the Treehouse Creative School]

Mark Hinch
tt. neveritaweg 55-57
1033 WB Amsterdam, NH